Solving the complex, simply.

| about us |

| Our Brand |

We started as a branding and marketing firm, and we were our own first client.

Our firm represents a diverse blend of creative professionals, impressively credentialed stay-at-home mothers, medical doctors, nurses, social workers, and budding entrepreneurs.

As we developed our enterprise, we meticulously observed the substantial impact of our minority statuses on our professional and business endeavors.

We approached this realization with radical honesty and profound determination, driven by a resolute commitment to effect positive change. Our steadfast dedication remains as we continue our mission to empower women and minority-owned businesses through the transformative power of branding and project management.

| Our Story |

Founded in Glen Allen, Virginia in 2017, Conteh & Brown Group supports small businesses by fostering their establishment, growth, and sustainability.

As a women-owned and family-operated enterprise, our deep-rooted kinship amplifies our diverse expertise in various professional industries. This enables us to deliver a tailored suite of services for your business needs.

Central to our vision is acknowledging the transformative power of women's emotional intelligence in building better industries. We champion innovative women in shaping the future of businesses and aspire to drive meaningful global change through collaboration with these visionary leaders.

| Our Name |

We proudly bear the surnames Conteh & Brown to honor the remarkable women who came before us. Mankaprr Conteh, my maternal grandmother, defied norms by ensuring my mother received an education past the customary age of 12, leading to her remarkable achievements, including a PhD in nursing.

My grandmother-in-law, the Margaret Brown, was a force, raising six children with love and entrepreneurship, creating a nurturing home and impacting her community profoundly. In tribute to their spirit, we are the Conteh & Brown Group.

Our Services

  • Organized solutions and strategic operations are the mark of a proficient business. Reach business goals & execute the projects that scale your business.

    |project management|

  • Growing in business income means needing more hands on deck: a good but complex problem to have. Engage our clinical based talent acquisition methods to build a committed crew.

    |hr management|

  • Creative strategies for businesses to get to know themselves and make themselves known to their ideal client base.
